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viciouspretty's avatar

bioshock big daddy plush, chibi style!



sooo.... THIS guy. this guy.

i've been wanting to tackle the big daddy plush for awhile, but i knew he wouldn't so much  be a plush as a plush wearing a costume. i wasn't sure how to go about making the armor, and how to flatten the head to maintain the same style i've used with the rest of my stuff. (all my plushies are flat!) i went through SEVERAL versions of the head before settling on a simple style.

i sealed craft foam with 3 layers of mod podge before painting it various shades of copper and dry brushing with black. i used beads and brads for rivets and had a DEVIL of a time trying to (purposely) make things uneven or damaged looking. the copper wire is thick floral wire.

the back looks a lot like the front, although i do have two small tanks that i'm attaching. i wanted to take the photo flat against the wall (like all my others), so i took this pre-tank-attaching.

p.s i know blood on the drill would make it a little more authentic, but i just couldn't do it after i spent all that time on it. D:
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Xiao-Yang's avatar
Loving your work, it's really great ^^ the style is adorable too! Keep up the awesome work :D