VIC-DA-BAD-FISH's avatar


Fabr0ny / FabiusCervus / Xymer64
29 Watchers41 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Welcome to my deviantART!

It'se me, Victor the evil piscis! =0

also known as DJ:Fab0r, Dave Cervus, Fabr0ny, Xymer64

I'm a hobby artist from Bamberg, Franconia, Germany

I used to draw in Macromedia/Adobe Flash from 2005 to 2011.

You can see some results of that in my gallery.

After that, I become busy administrating, the biggest German-speaking message board for fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, having this position from 2011 to 2018.

I hardly did any art in that time. This explains the lack of uploads for that time period.

Maybe there will be some new uploads in the near future? :^)

Anyway, have a nice day, folks.

yours lazy,


Favourite Visual Artist
Rick Griffin, ECMajor, birchly, Cyriak
Favourite Movies
Cloud Atlas, Tenet, Back to the Future I-III, Zootopia
Favourite TV Shows
Rick & Morty, Star Trek (TNG, VOY, DS9), Bojack Horseman, Helluva Boss
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Djedjotronic, Sansibar, Aphex Twin, Deichkind, Fatboy Slim, Gigi Dag
Favourite Games
Super Mario 64
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
languages, history, furry fandom, travel
Hey folks, I'm back (kinda). Truth is, I haven't uploaded anything for 8.5 years after using dA for just 4.5 years (don't get confused, it means I'm a deviant for 13 years now... quite a long time). The reason for that inactivity is that I was busy administrating a message board with over 15k users, kind of a full-time job. For all of you who don't know which forum I'm talking about: I founded with a friend in mid-2011, and It became the biggest online meeting place for German-speaking bronies, i.e. fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A few years ago, I lost interest in the show, which resulted into quitting my position as an Chief Administrator exactly one year ago. I'd really like to make some more art again. But first, I will upload some of my older art. Images that are good enough to show them on dA, I guess, but don't expect any masterpieces. ;) After that, new art might appear as well. Oh, and btw: I really love the new deviantART design. It totally
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I was tagged by :icontabascofanatikerin: to do this little quiz about me! I don't check deviantART every day anymore, so I didn't write a journal immediately. Anyway, let's start...(1) Post these rules.(2) Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.(3) At the end you have to choose 8 people to tag, and post their icons on the same journal.(4) Go to their page and send a message saying you tagged them.(5) NO tag-backs.8 random things about me:1. I was born in Silesia, in a city what is called Hindenburg in German, named after a former German president. 2. I used to collect crown caps in my childhood. I should ha...
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Welcome to my profile page on dA. I'm Vic da bad Fish a.k.a. DJ:fab0r, and I just don't know what to write down here, so let me present you some other dA accounts:  The other so-called lajaks: :iconwostok::iconironichate::iconkakaojunkey::iconspoik:Some great artists from the SP-Forum: :iconzwerg-im-bikini::icontabascofanatikerin::iconakai-tora:Some other great artists: :iconangelreich::iconshinybinary:I'm a member of the following clubs on dA: :iconsp-forum-club: :iconlajakhowsen:That's all, folks.-VDBF
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Profile Comments 28

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Zeichne mal ein paar Ponies :D

"[...]allerdings hab ich schon seit Jahren nichts mehr hochgeladen[...]"
Zeiten ändern sich ;)
uhh du hast ja einen devart acc :dummy:
ich würd dich ja raten lassen wer ich bin, aber ich kann nicht erwartn das du jeden user kennst XD 
Hallo Snow Flower! :3

Ja, ich hab einen dA-Account wie du siehst, allerdings hab ich schon seit Jahren nichts mehr hochgeladen und nutze ihn nur noch, um Favoriten zu sammeln. xD
hiho blazing torch hier ich wollt ma fragen ob wir uns nich mal unterhalten können wegen dem zeug im forum wusste jz keinen anderen weg dich anzuschreiben
bist du aus Hassfurt? ^^
sorry für die sehr späte Antwort, ich hab monatelang nicht mehr auf meine Profilseite geschaut. :3 Ja, bin ich.
kein ding, david =D
hab auf nach Bronies in der Gegend (ich wohn bei Schweinfurt) geschaut und hab versucht, mit jenen Kontakt aufzunehmen.
Vielleicht ergibt sich mal die Gelegenheit, sich bei einem Brony meetup zu treffen. für das in Regensburg letztes Wochenende hatte ich leider keine Zeit.
Oder wir fahren zur Galacon nächstes Jahr =) möglichkeiten gibt es viele.
Brony on :iconbrohoof1plz: