Ginger Cat - Ballpoint PenVianaArts on DeviantArt

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Ginger Cat - Ballpoint Pen



Ginger Cat - Ballpoint Pen

Edit 2014
In loving memory of Bobby the cat, he passed away January the 2nd 2014. He had been adopted when he was 2 or 3yo and lived 10 more years with the owners

Took aprox. 20 hours to finish.

Reference: From Commissioner photo

The original size is a full A4 paper sheet (Letter size in USA).

Any questions feel free to ask!

Thank you.

Dedicated to: :iconmissrana62: MissRana62

:icondonotuseplz::iconmyartplz: :iconnot-auth1plz::iconnot-auth2plz::iconnot-auth3plz:
Image size
3007x4093px 2.59 MB
ExceedTheCold's avatar
That's excellent work there.
Did you do this entirely by ballpoint pen, or did you edit it somehow afterwards as well?
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