REIDEEN: 2007vforvengeance on DeviantArt

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vforvengeance's avatar




"Reideen. Fade in"

That's the call-sign from Saiga Junki to summon and fuse with this colossal golden robot whenever there's threats around.
The first Reideen was aired back in 1975 , then in 1995 as a villain in 'Chouja Reideen' (stupid) and finally in 2007, in a totally brand new design, characters and storylines.

I know, this Reideen is slower compared to the 1975 version. Think again, anything 100 feet tall would be slower in real life due to the increasing mass and weight by 100 times.
What more, the story starts off boring and only gets excited when monsters show up. So what is it you really ask for in super robot animes? F-cup sized boobs bouncings or robots-monsters clashing each other?

Whatever, the story really do start off bland but patience pays off as you keep up with the plots and soon you begin to find the whole show exciting. See? You don't really need Playboy centerfolds to make good animes. Enjoy:rose:
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DaimosZ's avatar
I forgot this Reideen was a thing

Nothing will ever top the 1970's Raideen at this rate