Group's super status

1 min read

Deviation Actions

Vetehi's avatar
Hello! I hope everyone's year has stared out good!!

I talked about the group's super (premium) status back in December already, and expressed my hesitancy towards renewing it due to deviantart eclipse starting to roll in with us having no idea how it's going to affect groups. Initially I was going to renew it anyway, but after calculating the pros and cons of doing so I have decided to let the super group status expire for now. It has mostly been a cosmetic thing in the first place with perhaps the poll system being its only real upside, but I'm sure the group will manage with the default layout for now just fine, and I can make announcements through journals like I did before premium!

Hopefully this is just a temporary solution and eclipse will be kind to groups, but for now I rather observe and see how it will play out.

Thank you for your understanding! I'll make sure the front page will be just as nice as it would be with the premium layout we currently have, and that all the information will still be found from there!
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