Bimonthly Prompts + Rules

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Vetehi's avatar
Bi-monthly prompts are themed art/writing prompts where you can win a common MYO slot by participating!

Every two months the prompt will change, and by submitting your contribution to the prompt folder will automatically enter you as a participating to the raffle, unless you're on a cooldown (see below). 

Rules are the following:

  • Only one work per participant. This means you can submit either a drawing or a writing each month

  • Your contribution must be posted to the monthly theme folder to count. 

  • The winner will be raffled among all participants. This means your skill level is not what determines it, but please put effort into your contribution so that it shows! Extremely sloppy work like stick figures, clearly low effort sketches or a couple of words isn't allowed! 

    A good guideline for art is to make sure your work is polished and not a sketch, and for writing a few hundred words at minimum, unless it's a poem (but please don't make it super short either). Given the relatively more lax rules with the writing part, if this leeway gets abused, written works may be removed entirely from the participation. 

  • For each winner, there is a 4 month cooldown where they can still participate, but not receive a common slot from a raffle. They can, however, participate in all the other raffles and other non-prompt related events!

  • You're allowed to gift and trade your MYO slot, but not sell it! 

  • If you don't have a vetehi of your own, you can either ask someone for a permission to use their vetehi, or alternatively use Amor for art if you wish! Sadly it might be harder to find vetehi to write about, and I apologize for that. If you're alright for your vetehi being used in each month's prompt, you're free to comment on the journal and specify what you're comfortable with (art and/or writing)!

  • Please make sure your work is either R13 (no need to tag/censor) or R16 (= not suitable for users under the age of 16) max! This group doesn't accept adult oriented material. This involves explicit sexual themes and extremely graphic violence etc. If you're unsure, feel free to dm the group!

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