Tutorials and techniques

15 min read

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vesner's avatar
Quite a lot of people keep asking me for tutorials and to be honest I see no point in creating yet another strip on how to paint skin/clothes/light/carrots/whatever. There are so many of them out there that it would be simply a waste of time to sit and basically copy what's already been told.
Instead, I've decided to make a compilation of different tutorials and charts that I personally use to learn how to paint.
The most important thing you need to learn even before starting to read a tutorial is that all walk-throughs are meant for you to understand how things work. My point is that after reading and later practicing a tutorial called 'how to paint a glass duck' you should be able to paint not only a glass duck but also anything else made of glass. You should concentrate on understanding the rules and patterns instead of trying to copy what you see on the image. Otherwise you'll end up knowing how to paint only a few things from only one perspective and one lightning pattern.
Hope you find my collection useful!

Poses, composition and perspective
Pose tutorial by shingworks Tutorial 12 ImagInAction by AquaSixio Composition 1 by photo-class Composition 2 by photo-class
Colour theory, selection and mixing VS light
Tutorial 10 How to have six' with colours by AquaSixio Blending Tutorial by acidlullaby A Note on Light and Colour by toerning:thumb169834885::thumb177489941::thumb208359260::thumb184642625:
Animal anatomy
Tutorial on creature design. by Rodrigo-Vega Canine v. Feline Anatomy Tut. by Daesiy Animal Anatomy - Cats Part 1 by akeli Motion Reference 03 by ArnaTornwolf
Details and special effects
How to Draw Cloth - The Basics by JaneMere Various elements - tutorial by MinnaSundberg:thumb207585621: :thumb209310847::thumb208233550::thumb209114727:
Photoshop functions, tools and tricks
Tutorial 6 Brush the difficulties away by AquaSixio Working faster in Photoshop by Duffzilla Tutorial: Preparing Lineart by Shinerai:thumb211053856: Photoshop Brushes Part One by ceruleanvii Gold Step by Step tutorial by CGCookie
Walkthroughs to study
'Object Lesson' Walk Through by drak Tutorial 5 Many are calling for help by AquaSixio Tutorial 3 Let the sun shine in by AquaSixio:thumb204839464: paint breakdown by leventep Digital Painting Tutorial by Dianae Inatten - steps by eilidh SLAVIC WARRIOR | Tutorial #1 by Sephiroth-Art Chronos process by Verehin

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PeterVsAll's avatar
WOWWWWW WOWWWWWWWWWW IM SPEECHLESS, you are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you sooooo much !!!!!!!!!!