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We Can Rebuild Him (REMAKE)



Two years ago (give or take a few days... or weeks) when I created my DA and took part in my first Newbie Artist Training Ground even I drew We Can Rebuild Him! for the "pony fixing something" prompt. Till recently, it had been the most faved thing I've done this whole time and it was certainly one of my first little dabbles into digital art all those years ago. I figured it'd be the perfect one to attempt to paint again now to see how I've improved. 

Man... back then I really didn't understand how to render shadows. It looks like I tried to draw with coal. And not the charcoal you actually draw with. The kind for BBQ. And I was blind. 

Well two years later, here's everyone's favorite silly grey pegasus... again! It's been fun :heart:

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3900x3000px 2.61 MB
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Shadowkey392's avatar
He will become...the SIX MILLION BIT MUFFIN!