my letter to san jose

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vert-is-ninja's avatar
Dear San Jose,

You are pretty awesome, did you know that? Your weather is pretty freaking fantastic because I can leave the windows open all day. I can also walk into (almost) any random mom & pop owned restaurant and it will be pretty tasty. I can walk around your streets and not feel like I am a huge inconvenience to everybody on the road (and universe), and I can actually GET places instead of walk around in a big circle in a suburbia neighborhood.

But also your stores are crazy. I am used to every store I shopped at feeling like a zombie apocalypse. If you bumped into ONE other person that was crraaazyyy unsual and usually they were plastered up against the other side of the aisle like you had some sort of disease. Personal space was not a problem in Texas.

Now I bump into everybody else all the time and if I am trying to pick a fruit someone runs me over and picks one out over my unconscious body. I am sort of exaggerating, but you get what I mean, don't you San Jose? I guess this means that I am going to have to learn to get really good at elbowing so I can pick my fruit in peace. I am only halfway kidding.

I would go on more about you San Jose, but I'm sorry I have to excuse myself because a new Alan Wake episode was released and yes, I do have a fictional crush on this guy. Why? Don't ask. I am not even sure.

With love,
© 2010 - 2024 vert-is-ninja
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Arlexim's avatar
yaaaay somebody actually likes where I live. I always think that I live in some sorta okay shit hole, but this makes me happy so beyond words that you are adapting to life here and you like the weather and everything.

You like San Jose and San Jose likes you too, judging from the many people on DA here...