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Dear San Jose,
You are pretty awesome, did you know that? Your weather is pretty freaking fantastic because I can leave the windows open all day. I can also walk into (almost) any random mom & pop owned restaurant and it will be pretty tasty. I can walk around your streets and not feel like I am a huge inconvenience to everybody on the road (and universe), and I can actually GET places instead of walk around in a big circle in a suburbia neighborhood.
But also your stores are crazy. I am used to every store I shopped at feeling like a zombie apocalypse. If you bumped into ONE other person that was crraaazyyy unsual and usually they were plastered up against the other side of the aisle like you had some sort of disease. Personal space was not a problem in Texas.
Now I bump into everybody else all the time and if I am trying to pick a fruit someone runs me over and picks one out over my unconscious body. I am sort of exaggerating, but you get what I mean, don't you San Jose? I guess this means that I am going to have to learn to get really good at elbowing so I can pick my fruit in peace. I am only halfway kidding.
I would go on more about you San Jose, but I'm sorry I have to excuse myself because a new Alan Wake episode was released and yes, I do have a fictional crush on this guy. Why? Don't ask. I am not even sure.
With love,
You are pretty awesome, did you know that? Your weather is pretty freaking fantastic because I can leave the windows open all day. I can also walk into (almost) any random mom & pop owned restaurant and it will be pretty tasty. I can walk around your streets and not feel like I am a huge inconvenience to everybody on the road (and universe), and I can actually GET places instead of walk around in a big circle in a suburbia neighborhood.
But also your stores are crazy. I am used to every store I shopped at feeling like a zombie apocalypse. If you bumped into ONE other person that was crraaazyyy unsual and usually they were plastered up against the other side of the aisle like you had some sort of disease. Personal space was not a problem in Texas.
Now I bump into everybody else all the time and if I am trying to pick a fruit someone runs me over and picks one out over my unconscious body. I am sort of exaggerating, but you get what I mean, don't you San Jose? I guess this means that I am going to have to learn to get really good at elbowing so I can pick my fruit in peace. I am only halfway kidding.
I would go on more about you San Jose, but I'm sorry I have to excuse myself because a new Alan Wake episode was released and yes, I do have a fictional crush on this guy. Why? Don't ask. I am not even sure.
With love,
con suggestions?
I totally had this dream last night where I asked you guys on DA what conventions you would suggest going to, and then I woke up and was all 'GOSH SO WEIRD' and once I had breakfast and coffee I started realizing this wasn't a bad idea.
Gee golly, thanks subconscious!!
Anyhow, I have a few cons already lined up in my mind, but I also wanted to expand my horizons and not just repeat the ones I did last year (plus I like seeing new places!). I am going to try to pick my cons very carefully and make a smart schedule this year (meaning err, 2011!) as last year I ended up doing everything last minute and being weirded out and sick the entire tim
4DE Hanna books
I am aware the 4DE books are taking a painstakingly long time to get to people. I really really apologize for this. I wish circumstances were different and there's nothing I want more than you guys to get what you paid for (and more, if I could help it). The best I can suggest is to ask questions with 4DE and if they are not able to get back to you, I understand your concern and your desire to cancel the order. I am not encouraging this, but I understand 100% and if I were in your position I would do the same.
I am not in this to make a million dollars. If you guys can't feel confident that you're going to get the books, I am more concerned
So San Jose is still pretty awesome. I'm still truckin' along through life, and finding my artistic feet again, if you will, so things are feelin' pretty up. Still overwhelmed with notes and messages, so I'm slow to get to them but I'm doing my best!
Our furniture finally got to our apartment and it feels like a PLACE now. I'm pretty happy with it. It's nice and small and cozy. Also this is the first time since I was a kid that I'm sleeping on a top bunk and I have to say I truly dig it. And the space it saves!
Hanna is sort of fiddling with his facebook and I'm kind of working on a site re-haul and a strip, and a surprise for everyone for
whoa hey whoa
So there's a ton of things going on with me, so let's get this going, yeah?
I'm now living in San Jose. I had to do a very rush move right after Dragon*Con which has made everything bumpier and slower. But it's great! I have never lived out of Texas, I won't lie, but California so far is treating me fabulously. I really love how you can walk around and it's always 70 degrees every day, all the time. That's fabulous! Tired of the Texas heat so it seemed appropriate for me.
I don't know many people out here, but I am still loving it. Today was the first day we got internet (which is AWESOME), so things are going more smoothly in tha
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yaaaay somebody actually likes where I live. I always think that I live in some sorta okay shit hole, but this makes me happy so beyond words that you are adapting to life here and you like the weather and everything.
You like San Jose and San Jose likes you too, judging from the many people on DA here...
You like San Jose and San Jose likes you too, judging from the many people on DA here...