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vert-is-ninja's avatar
So San Jose is still pretty awesome. I'm still truckin' along through life, and finding my artistic feet again, if you will, so things are feelin' pretty up. Still overwhelmed with notes and messages, so I'm slow to get to them but I'm doing my best!

Our furniture finally got to our apartment and it feels like a PLACE now. I'm pretty happy with it. It's nice and small and cozy. Also this is the first time since I was a kid that I'm sleeping on a top bunk and I have to say I truly dig it. And the space it saves!

Hanna is sort of fiddling with his facebook and I'm kind of working on a site re-haul and a strip, and a surprise for everyone for Halloween. I know it seems like I'm doing nothing these days but I promise the wheels have been turning on Hanna behind the scenes (maybe slowly) but surely.

I realized at some point the other day that Hanna will probably make zombie watch Hocus Pocus with him on Halloween, because that's good wholesome fun. And Hanna is twelve. Buuuuut we knew the later bit already, right? I'm sure he is just waiting excitedly for a chance to meet a witch that looks like Bette Midler. It will never happen, but in Hannaland it juuuuuust might.

Have a great Halloween's my favorite time of year! Who cares if it's commercial? It's the only time of the year you can get bat-shaped sprinkles and thus is a great time of year for me.
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Failryn's avatar
I always watch Hocus Pocus, Dance Of The Dead, and Nightmare Before Christmas with my friend on halloween (: