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Next To You I'm Really Short




I do, so much. It is like my second favorite thing to do besides drink coffee and pretend I'm working! SECOND FAVORITE.

So I have this horrible confession that after leaving you guys on a cliffhanger, I suddenly had this BURNING need to do another line up, because I got to this point that for most of the strips, I was opening eighteen different files to pull colors for the characters, and then struggling cos I didn't like the base colors anymore. It was such a PAIN IN THE ASS, so I said to myself, SELF. WHY DON'T I MAKE AN UPDATED ONE and line them up and have ONE handy file where all the planned reoccuring characters are standing RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER.

Also, what a handy chance to have slight height references for myself since I seem to make zombie shrink and grow depending on how tiny I feel like making Hanna look at the moment!!

What an EPIPHANY. What PURE unadulterated GENIUS.

But then it took me forever and a half but I finally finished it so you get to look at it too. Did you like how I tried to make that sound epic? Like it was important.

OH yeah. So did I.

You guys rock, love ya! Tessout!

These fools are from Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name!
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PinkDove100's avatar
Oh Abner, how I'll never know who you are.