When everything dies.

5 min read

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Verrottung's avatar
"Wer abspringt , ist nicht notwendigerweise dem Wahnsinn , verfallen , ist nicht einmal unter allen Umständen >gestört< .
Der Hang zum Freitod ist keine Krankheit , von der man geheilt werden muss wie von den Masern ......
Der Freitod ist das Privileg des Humanen."
l Jean Ameryl l


Why do I remain here to weaken through the years?
I am so confused - my soul dies all the while

Day And Then The Shade by disies A Premonition by disies Dissolving Bonds by disies
Pity the weak by disies Chrome by disies Tonight's music by disies

I don't wish to co-exist with this feeble human race
I don't feel the need to be infected with the disease called "life"

willenloser Alltag by Mar-jus Zerrbilder  II by Mar-jus Zwoelf by Mar-jus
morn III by Mar-jus morn V by Mar-jus Back In Time III by Mar-jus

With death I'll leave this weakened earth
I am at one with the night

Reflection by Anguis-IX 42 by Anguis-IX Obscurity by Anguis-IX

Lyrics: Abyssic Hate - Despondency

My Photoblog: www.verrottung-photography.blo…

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CrazyHeadbanger's avatar
Sehr sehr schönes Feature, gefällt mir! :)