Optimus Prime C-01Venksta on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/venksta/art/Optimus-Prime-C-01-151421882Venksta

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Optimus Prime C-01



So I've been working on some commissions, where I've been experimenting with rendering out different passes*, then combining them in Photoshop, to create a look I might not be able to achieve by just making one single render. I wanted to try out something like that with one of my own models. So I gave it a spin with Prime.

I like how the pose came out. This was actually the third pose, when I started to work on this image. I think it came out really dynamic, and its very different from any of my other renders in the gallery. I'm really happy with this. :) Anyways, hope you enjoy it as well.

*Passes are like rendered images, which might be just a piece of the whole picture, like only the reflections, or the shadows. This allows me to alter the look by messing with the certain aspects, and get what I exactly want.
Image size
1100x1123px 386.52 KB
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