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Music Makes The World Go Round



.// Music Makes The World Go 'Round

This piece is meant to convey just how important music is in the design process for me. (That and green tea!)
Without my music, I am lost. And without design, I'm lost... The two are interrelated and play an integral role in who I am and what I do. I tried to marry the two arts together through symbolic representation of their merging at a fantastic crossroads. The quote is by Leopold Stokowski, a famous conductor for the New York Philharmonic. (Also satirized by Bugs Bunny in "The Long Haired Hare").

The elements of the "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll" ideology are also symbolized within this piece. In fact, this piece is rife with various symbolism, which I'll happily leave these to the viewer to interpret. :) (Please tell me your interpretation!)

Also featured for the first time in a significant way, is of course, the Man in the Top Hat. If you've been following my work lately, you'll know that the Man in the Top Hat is a recurring feature in my art. He's on a quest to find his dog, who always seems to be two steps ahead of him, as they wander through the surreal landscapes of my mind.
The Man and the dog hold a certain personal significance, but also act as a binding agent between some of my other works. It allows the viewer to take a more active role by "helping" the man find his dog.

Major influences on this piece

- Salvador Dali
- Microbot23
- Anthony-G

- Led Zeppelin
- Atreyu
- Nine Inch Nails

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Image size
1417x997px 1.3 MB
© 2009 - 2024 Vectortrance
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