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Vector-Brony's avatar




I loved the new episode and I really like the expansion of the Dragon mythos and having spike have a good episode where he shows what he's learned about friendship and passing it on to Ember. 
Oh and that scepter was awesome by a nightmare to make.

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FireswordDragon's avatar
The first thing I thought this was when I saw it was, "Is this a ripoff of Red from Spyro: A Hero's Tail?". Didn't realise it was from My Little Pony. The staff is what really made me think it was Spyro related. I haven't been watching a lot of Mlp related stuff lately, (gaming and Fanfiction writing are a whole lot more important to me in my life) but I'm glad that Spike got a good episode again! It brought watching the series again back to me, although I'm not sure if that's gonna happen, considering I have a LOT of responsibilities. (School work, preparation for moving house, (rent is too expensive where we are now) Fanfiction writing, gaming and more) I hope I can squeeze in more Mlp, but I'm not sure that's gonna happen. Hopefully it will.