Blackjacks hangoverVector-Brony on DeviantArt

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Vector-Brony's avatar

Blackjacks hangover



My ambulance placement is beginning to draw me rather thinly. I will be so glad to go home for the first time in too long for a little while to recover. Anyway I've wanted to make this one for a while. I love this scene after the battle of Flank when Blackjack is recovering from the night before and Caprice gives her The Price to drink. Those who remember the scene knows what will happen next. 
Caprice's design is inspired by the design on the wiki page for Project Horizons.

Fallout Equestria was written by kkat and Project Horizons is written by Somber


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4073x2350px 1.45 MB
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am I the only one who wants a full comic strip of this whole scene???