New Wave Alphabetvcfgr on DeviantArt

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New Wave Alphabet



A long-dormant pet project is finally completed. Each of the letters presented here either takes a direct cue from or is inspired by artwork of a particular band that I like. If there were, say, an encyclopedia of punk, power pop, and new wave artists, this is what I'd like to submit for small vignettes to start each section.

Here goes! The Adverts, The B-52's, The Clash, Devo, The English Beat, Fischer-Z, Gang of Four, Hüsker Dü, It's Immaterial, The Jam, The Knack, The Lambrettas, Models, Wazmo Nariz, The Only Ones, The Police, Quincy, The Replacements, Split Enz, Theatre of Hate, The Undertones, The Vapors, Wall of Voodoo, XTC, Yachts, and Zones.
Image size
450x780px 406.02 KB
© 2009 - 2025 vcfgr
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