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July 22, 2014
Beautifully captured, well crafted, gorgeous posing.
Lightning - Army of One by vaxzone
Featured by pullingcandy
Suggested by Kaz-D
vaxzone's avatar

Lightning - Army of One



Final Fantasy XIII

This solitary young woman speaks little of herself - even her true name is a mystery. She is known to others simply as "Lightning".

:iconrainer-t: @ Lightning (ライトニング, Raitoningu)

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Helper thanks Yokey + Sihan

Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning by vaxzone Lightning: I control my fate! by vaxzone Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning 01 by vaxzone Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning 02 by vaxzone
Image size
900x601px 84.39 KB
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Mydreaminggeekzone's avatar

Wow! Talk about making me want to see a live action movie of Lighting now, great cosplay.