[YCH Result] The Daybreaker And Youvavacung on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vavacung/art/YCH-Result-The-Daybreaker-And-You-692857810vavacung

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[YCH Result] The Daybreaker And You



"Everyone have a dark side. Even a motherly goddess Celestia. Because ruling an Equestria isn't easy task and it's really stressful. Luckily, her loyal royal guard always be here to help calm down her darkside and let her blow off some stress and steam until she finally became her ownself again. They are an unsung heroes who always save Equetria from facing the eternal day."

This is an auction reward for Justin Blum (CobaltTheUnicorn)

Auction source : ych.commishes.com/auction/show…

9 Naughty Version can be found somewhere on Derpibooru....
Image size
1500x1125px 1.66 MB
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