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[Reward] Confront



"To fight your own mentor"

This is the reward art for Changeling's Proto Queen class patron
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1194x1500px 1.39 MB
© 2018 - 2024 vavacung
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H123G's avatar
Student: "Die, Monster! You don't belong in this world!"

Nightmaremoon: "It was not by my hoof that I was once again given shape. I was summoned by... ponies, who wish to pay me tribute!"

Student: "Tribute? You steel mares dreams, and make them your nightmarish slaves!"

Nightmaremoon: "Perhaps the same could be said of all magical academies?"

Student: "Your words are as empty as your soul! Marekind ill needs a savior such as you!"

Nightmaremoon: "What is a mare?! A miserable little pile of secrets!"