[Concept] CCMC : Counter Cutie Mark Crusadervavacung on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vavacung/art/Concept-CCMC-Counter-Cutie-Mark-Crusader-529382300vavacung

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[Concept] CCMC : Counter Cutie Mark Crusader



Juggernaut, Harbinger and Mirage. They were found together in the winter night.  In that night, most ponies seen 3 fallen star that fell in the place where these 3 colts were found. So they called this event. "Three colts who fallen from the sky". They wear strange cloth when they was found. Something that nopony ever seen before. They don't remembered who they were. The only thing they remembered are their name.

Nobody knew where they came from. Nobody knew who are their parent. So they were sent to orphanage. But it have a rumor that Alternate Dawn know who are them. Because once day he came to an orphanage and said to them. "You will never have to fight anymore, please have a good life"

Master of orphanage asked him what he mean. And he just said back to her. "It didn't important what they ever been. what they are now is important. Because the past isn't today". Than he left from Orphanage.....And another rumor said that these 3 colts were made by Alternate Dawn with accident from Chemical X. But he already made it cleared that he didn't make them.

These 3 colt were adopted later by 3 families pony in Twilight's kingdom.  Juggernaut was adopted by mason Earth Pony. Harbinger was adopted by journalist Pegasus Pony and Mirage was adopted by Mayor Unicorn Pony.

After they found their cutie mark. They from a special group call "Counter Cutie Mark Crusader(CCMC)". It is a group of three colts that was assign by Alternate Dawn to keep an eye on Cutie Mark Crusader G2. To prevent them from hurting other or themselves. Prevent them from destroy or make a disaster while they finding their cutie mark.

They are supporting character for my comic "Chaos Future" (Sequel of Crazy Future).

//They still be on concept. I'm not sure I will make them appeared in comic or not...
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samuraivalerie's avatar
Cutiemark crusader protection and assistance squad! yay!