Chapter 1 : To Love God - To Love Mortalvavacung on DeviantArt

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Chapter 1 : To Love God - To Love Mortal



To love God: Are you willing to hurt your beloved?

Princess, you have my heart. But I'm afraid I can't love you.
You are immortal, Princess. I am a mortal being.
Princess, you will still be alive when I die.
My death will be painful for you, Princess. It could even kill you.
I love you, Princess, but I don't want to hurt you.
Please understand and forgive me, Princess.

To Love the Mortal: Are you willing to hurt yourself?

I love you, Mortal. But I'm afraid I can't love you.
You are mortal, Mortal. I am immortal.
When you die, Mortal, I will still be alive.
Mortal, your death will hurt me. It could even kill me.
I love you, Mortal, but...
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, Mortal.

I understand, Mortal. I accept your apology. But I'm not going to let you go.


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