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Chaos Future 59 : The Killer



"When the killer you seek is the one who stand beside you all the time."


Warning : This story takes place 100 years after Rarity dead. This story base on season 4. So anything that happened in season 5 will have nothing to do with this story. (Except how CMC got their cutie mark. They have canon one)

Warning : This story's an alternate universe and is really crazy as hell. It crazy until crazy word isn't fit it anymore. It's become chaos now...

Warning : a lot of 4th wall breaking and referencing. Sharing universe with "To Love God - To Love Mortal" and "To Love Alicorn" but in the future and more crazy. And a continue story of "Crazy Future"

Warning : Don't take this story too serious or you might get headache from overthinking....

Warning : Few number of love(Comments) might make comic page take long time to complete...


#FirstChaos Future 01 : Sweetie Belle
#PreviousChaos Future 58 : Another Secret
#NextChaos Future 60 : The Undead
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© 2017 - 2024 vavacung
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davidshadow275's avatar

Little AJ: No... no... thats not true... Thats impossible!!

 Applejack: Use your feelings, you know it is truth

Little AJ: no!! NOOO!!!!!