Author's note: The images are AI and generated using PicLumen. The words are not AI, they are mine. You can read all my stories and comics on my website
Birthday Wish App - Final Day
The following morning Joel woke to a not so gentle shaking.
"Get up bitch," Hailey said as she shoved Joel once again. "We have to be out of the room in a few minutes or they're gonna charge us for another day."
"Hand me a cigarette."
"You can have a smoke once you're dressed. Damn you're a deep sleeper. I've been trying to wake you forever."
Joel sat up. Hailey was already dressed. Like the day before she was wearing all black, but instead of a corset she wore a cotton camisole that barely contained her tits. Her jacket was now a vest and her hair was pulled back tight into a ponytail with a couple of black elastic bands.
"Fuck, I don't think I can make it that long. I'm dying for a smoke." Joel slipped out of bed and began searching for her clothes.
"Here, you can have mine." Hailey handed over a half smoked cigarette. "You'll find your clothes in the dresser. Yours changed too. That wish of yours is weird, It keeps giving me new clothes everyday. Makes for light travel."
Joel took back to back drags on the cigarette. "Fuck, I needed that." Smoke poured out of her mouth as she spoke.
"How much time do we have to cancel that wish?" Hailey asked as she walked to the motel room door.
"72 hours from when I left your party, " Joel said. "Where are you going?"
"To the office to turn in the key, just as soon as you cover yourself, lady."
"I may be a woman, but I ain't no fucking lady. That's for sure."
"You're a nasty slut, just like me." Hailey came back into the room and gave Joel a passionate kiss. "You're a fucking tigress in bed. The things you did to me last night. My body never felt so good. I'm still tingling."
"You sure you don't want to skip check out and fuck some more?" Joel nibbled Hailey's earlobe.
"Yes, but I don't think we have that kind of time. We're going to hit the time limit in about an hour."
"Fuck!" Joel pulled her mouth away from Hailey's neck. "I want to spend more time with you. Being a woman feels so natural now. I even have memories of being a girl. I remember being a guy too, but the girl memories feel more real at the moment. Like I dreamed I was a guy."
"I know what you mean. It's getting hard to remember going to college." Hailey gave Joel a swat on her luscious ass. "Get dressed and meet me by the bikes. There's a diner less than a mile down the road. We can talk more there."
Twenty minutes later they were seated in a roadside diner. Neither were very hungry so they drank coffee and smoked cigarettes. Despite it being illegal to smoke inside restaurants, no one gave them any grief.
"I'm ready to cancel the wish," Hailey said. "Just so you know, I'm not pissed at you anymore. I've had fun being a biker chick and last night was fucking spectacular."
"It was so good, I'm not sure I want to give it up."
"What are you saying?" Hailey's eyes grew wide. "You want to stay female?"
"I consider myself a woman now. It's starting to seem strange to even think of myself as a man." Joel caressed Haily's hand. "You showed me how glorious a woman's body can feel. I want you to show that to me again and again."
"I'd love that too! I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose us. I wish I could feel this way if you were a man again, but we both know that isn't possible."
"I'm concerned about you though," Joel said. "You wanted to be a doctor. You wanted to make the world a better place. How are you going to do that as an outlaw biker chick?"
Hailey grinned. "I've been thinking about that. You didn't wish for which particular laws we'd break, did you?"
Joel frowned. "No, does that matter?"
"There are plenty of laws that should be broken. For starters, how about the draconian abortion laws some states are passing? I'd think it would be pretty badass if we helped young women break some of those laws. I'm sure there are a few other laws we could break that help out the less fortunate."
"Fuck yeah. I'm going to need a new name. We're going to need a club name too. What kind of bikers would we be without a badass biker gang name."
"And nicknames. We need cool nicknames. Let's order some food. We can brainstorm while we eat."
Jolene "Karma" Watkins and Hailey "Hornet" Jameson exited the diner an hour later. The words "Free Birds" were embroidered on the back of their leather vests.
They rode down the highway, side by side, without a destination in mind, only a purpose, to do whatever the fuck they wanted. If they could help out some misfortunate soul along the way, all the better.
The End
Great story!