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VanillaGhosties's avatar

Party Like Responsible Adults [ATG 2017 D30]


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Prompt: Draw a pony graduating / Draw a pony party.

Welp, this wraps up another month of ATG-- it was certainly a fun time yet again :^)
I learned some helpful things about coloring and I'm getting more and more comfortable with sketching now, which is exciting for me~
I did have my ups and downs through this event though-- I think my biggest problem was that I tried to work on other projects on the side during it, which ultimately just ended up having me rushing some of the prompts more than I should have and releasing art that I wasn't entirely happy with. That generally didn't help me morale wise~
That being said, for the last week I decided to focus solely on the prompts, and I found myself enjoying it a lot more, as well as putting out pieces that I was genuinely happy with. So while I regret starting out the way I did, I'm glad I was able to finish strong. Can't even really blame myself too much for the start either, since ATG was supposed to be something I did on the side while the other projects were meant to be the forefront of what I was working on-- that kinda got flipped around ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Huge thank you to all of my friends who I consistently interacted with throughout this event-- I loved to see the fantastic art you all put out, and it was really great to hear all the kind words and feedback you had for my own art. And another huge thank you to everyone who commented and supported my art through this whole thing-- it means a lot to me, and I sincerely appreciate all of your support <3

That's about it for now-- I'll return to my regularly scheduled 1-2 sentence descriptions shortly~
I'm excited to work on some bigger projects again, so you can stay tuned for those.. well, eventually 8^)

EDIT: Forgot some stuff, but I just kinda fixed how RD had no wings-- not sure how I missed that the whole time. Oh, also AJ freckles, but I forget those all the time. I know that Fluttershy and Twilight don't have wings either, but I'm not gonna go back and change that. Let's just say they're behind their hooves or something.
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1745x1000px 1.59 MB
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