I am an artist, obviously.
I can be very shy in real life..... Sometimes.... I'm usually very active,and I hope to be a concept artist or something....I love sharing my artwork with people.
I'm not much of an anime artist anymore, i started off with digimon, then onto doodles and then sonic...then animeish...chibish...styles, now I'm in a cartoonish style (in my eyes, atleast-o)
Love you all, enjoy my art, Lex
Current Residence: IN YOUR MIIINNDDDDDDd
Favourite genre of music: J-pop, 8-bit, ANY VIDEO GAME MOOSIK.
Favourite style of art: I like cartoony styles
Operating System: vista..I WANT WINDOWS 7 /sob
Skin of choice: WHI-*SHOT*
Favourite cartoon character: ...Flapjack or Finn....I CANT CHOOSE.
Personal Quote: Yargle Fa largle.