Character Sheet - DreamVanGold on DeviantArt

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Character Sheet - Dream



Nicknames: Peter, Denier (by his brother), Halfslumber (by Bill Cipher and the King in Yellow), Starshine (by Key), Martin (by Squirrel), Orpheus (by the King in Yellow), Hippie, Outta ma way, dammit (by Justice)

Age: Unknown (on the scale of the Eldritch still a little child tho)

Soul Type: None (Technically he is a Hollow….kinda…..ish)

Hight: 1. 40 m

Distinguishing Characteristics: Golden Eyelights, usually has a very positive aura around him, creme-ish golden-ish bones, his mana is visible through his mouth, uses a golden Apple as source of his being that sorta acts like a soul

Gaster Blaster: None


*The source of his Homeworld – Dreamtale – was a small populated bunch of villages build around a majestic, spirited tree named Slumber. Dream and his brother were the Dryads – the spirits - of said tree, that was worshipped like a god. And in return Slumber guarded the dreams of the people. Their bright spirit assuring them fully enjoying their happy and bliss dreams and having their well deserved, restful sleep, while the darker spirit helped them learning from their nightmares, to process what they experienced and what they worried about and what scared them during the daytime and to use the mare’s catharsis to grow.

*Dream was loved by all the people for the good time he brought all of them. And every daytime when he reunited with his brother they told each other about the adventures they had at night. However the people didn’t seem as blissed with Nightmare from what Dream heard in his stories.

*One day – it was the first time the people celebrated the Sweet Bonfire Night – when Dream returned from his nightly journey, he found his tree destroyed – burned on side where his brother slept – and his brother untraceable. The delicate balance of Dreamtale was destroyed and it didn’t take long until the Verse became a victim of the Rot – with Dream as its only surviver – so he thought at least until he learned about his brother being alive…….ish…..

*Dream is feeding on the positive sentiments his Dreams are causing. Which doesn’t mean that he is taking them away from the people. That’s not how it works. You cannot devour happiness, but it can fill you up. If he could not get these feelings for a too long amount of time, Dream would slowly disappear. Which is why he strictly avoids Fell- and Hollow-Verses.

Spoilery Stuff:

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*Dream found Ink in an nearly empty world, attracted by one final, dying positive sentiment – which also kinda saved Dream from being devoured from the Rot in his own world. As he learned from Ink, the World together with all his friends had been killed and destroyed by an evil, blackboned Sans, who they later on started addressing as Error. Dream helped the devastated Ink to gain back hope by feeding him with his Dreamberries and thus gained his closest and dearest friend. They together founded the “Star Sanses” and swore to each other to be brothers till the end and protectors of all the worlds out there who are as alone as they had been.

*Dream only later learned that his brother survived. Though Ink explained to him that this wasn’t the brother he was used to know, but a bad seed, a tainted, eldritch creature that came too close to the rot and now wanders through the Omniverse, causing terror and fear wherever it stands and walks with no hope of redemption or cure. Dream doesn’t have the heart to give up hope though and keeps trying to talk to him whenever they meet. Usually that sadly doesn’t work out that well though.

*Since he saved both Ink and Dream out of a crestfallen situation during an impossible mission, Syrus became part of the Star Sanses. Dream insisted in him joining. He really likes the Swap for his never ending Determination to accomplish his goals.

*While Ink doesn’t like it so much to hang around at the Bar, Dream always loves showing up there. He enjoys meeting Jazzy and seeing all these different versions of him – eventhough he tries his best to forgo the Edgy Table.

*Justice is a complicated topic for Dream. He knows that deep down inside him there is a soft core that deeply wishes to be loved and not to be alone, which he wants to protect and support, but he is always scared back from his hostile and gruffy behavior. It always makes him sad, that it is such hard work to help him being happy.

*He met Key in quite a dark hour and is just so deeply thankful for their wise advices and caring nature, which really saved the situation back than. Thus he is always happy to meet the Wolf and sees them as a dear friend.

*He has a bit of a hard time with the King in Yellow and his attempts to “help” Dream “growing up”, especially after Ink keeps on warning him of the Eldritch and their bad, brainwashing influence. Though he doesn’t seem so bad all in all and just wants to help, Dream is insecure how to deal with his time by time patriarchal sounding speaches of wisdom from the ancient times.

*Error is the absolute enemy of all the Multiverses. No contradictions. Just as Ink explained and Ink has to know that after all.

Artists Note:
The Van Gold This is my own interpretation of the Character and thus deviates from this. The original version (lets call it Dreamtale JOMU) belongs to Joku

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© 2019 - 2025 VanGold
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EverlastinglyEngross's avatar
Dream my dude, "Outta ma way, dammit" isn't a nickname, it's just Justice telling you to get outta his way XD