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2010 - KABUKI

20.3K Views1 Collected Privately


Comision para :iconredskullrudd:

Parte de la remesa final de asesinas del comic book kabuki. Aunque realizado en mis ratos libres, y entre otros curros, el encargo de las 8 asesinas Noh a sido uno de mis mayores divertimentos durante los ultimos meses; Y como no podia ser de otra manera a modo de postre he dejado para el colofon a la protagonista Kabuki.
Ya que se trataba de una de las ultimas ilustraciones de la serie y la protagonista, no pude evitar añadir horas extra, sobretodo a la hora de pintar el rostro.
Si quereis ver mas detalles de la ilustraciones visitad mi blog [link]


Commission for :iconredskullrudd:

Part of the final batch of comic book, kabuki. Although made in my free time, the commissions of the 8 killers of Noh has been one of my greatest amusements during the past months, and for the last ones, I wanted to portray Kabuki in herself.
Since it was one of the latest illustrations of the series and the protagonist, I add some extra hours on it, especially painting her face.
If you want to see more detail, visit my blog [link]
Image size
832x1240px 216.02 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Vandrell
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DepressionMoon's avatar
The beauty is remarkable. I really need to get a tablet one of these days.