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2010 - ICE

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A Commision for :iconredskullrudd:

And we continue with the series of assassins from the comic book kabuki. After Scarab [link] and Tiger Lily [link] , now comes the turn to two more: Ice and Siamese

Ice is a character which didn't have so many references and it's really peculiar. Calls my attention powerfully her claw cybernetic arms. An excelent opportunity to paint metal elements.


Una commision para :iconredskullrudd:

Y seguimos con la serie de asesinas del comic kabuki. Tras Scarab [link] , y Tiger Lily [link] , hoy le toca el turno a dos mas : Ice y Siamese

Ice es un personaje del cual no habia muchas referencias y de un aspecto realmente peculiar. Me llamaban poderosamente la atencion sus brazos ciberneticos con garras. Una oportunidad de lujo para pintar elementos metalicos.
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832x1240px 166.58 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Vandrell
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DocJay67's avatar
Man Alive, Your Work is AWESOME :clap: