vampiric-strangel's avatar


socially and artistically lazy
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Digital Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (80)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio
hi i'm jo i draw sometimes sorry about the centaurs

Favourite Visual Artist
Egon Schiele, Sandro Botticelli, James Ensor, Claude Monet
Favourite Movies
How to Train Your Dragon, Interview with the Vampire, Django
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Boston Legal, Friends
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Beatles, Queen, Marilyn Manson, System Of A Down, Gorillaz, Daft Punk
Favourite Books
The Vampire Chronicles, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Fight Club, Drawing Blood, Lost Souls, Exquisite Corpse
Favourite Writers
Oscar Wilde, Poppy Z. Brite, Anne Rice, Chuck Palahniuk, Charlie Huston, Dan Brown
Favourite Games
Portal 2, Devil May Cry 4, Skyrim,
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, 3DS, PS3
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Photoshop CS6, Paint Tool SAI, Cintiq 21UX
Other Interests
animey & mango

art theft...

0 min read
You know, when you're not a very well-known artist and your art is not exactly at the level you would think someone would even want to steal, all those journal entries and tumblr posts seem like something awful that will never happen to you because you're not half as good as those artists. Well lo and behold I was reverse image searching some of my old deviations (the ones that had a disproportionate amount of downloads) and I found an ebay seller selling prints of my old Baccano! fanart. At first I was baffled; I couldn't believe someone would do that (even though I obviously knew it happens all the time). Then I was enraged; someone was ma
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hi i'm not dead

0 min read
hi I'm not dead although I do announce an oncoming on-and-off inactivity furthermore, I no longer accept requests, because they're mostly by people looking for any artist willing to draw their OC's, without having much of a personal preference towards the art or even knowing the artist beforehand; just moooore fanart of their OCs it's like a disease, really however I still accept requests and art trades on my tumblr anyway, besides the request update, I just wanted to take advantage of the free premium membership day and cute-ify my journal which hadn't been updated since january that's all hope everyone's doing well, Jo
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Heya, peeps. I am mainly posting this because it's been over a year since my last entry and, well, that sucks a bit. I haven't been on dA nearly enough, which is mostly because of tumblr. And uni. Of course. I'm now doing a foundation course in Art & Design, which is why I've moved to the UK. Also because Greece sucks at the moment. But I won't talk about that, because no one likes talking about that. Anyhow, where my art is concerned, I post the best of it (or what I think is the best of it) on my art blog -> it's a bit mature, so remember not to get your panties in a bunch. Here I'll post mainly fanart, sinc
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Profile Comments 137

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I love your artwork. Can you please watch me so I can watch you? Thanks and stay healthy. 😈

by tho by, i dont have an oc....i just never make reqsts uz im, if i was t ask someone to draw something, i would just give them a topic or maybe an idea of a character im workin on...but i will respect your desire for no requests...
by requests, I mean ~freebies~ :) if they were commissions (drawings for money) I wouldn't say anything! although I don't do commissions either at the moment because I want to work on my skills a bit more before I can accept money for my work :)
heh, im trying to do a commission cuz someone payed for food so i could was a lot of money, so im currently working on something as a payment to him....he has been pretty cool about it...
i love your profile descriptin!!! is it me, or are you a HUGE HS Nerd??? or Geek, if your a more freaky fan than dedicated fan???
thanks hehe x) I'm more of a casual fan tbh, but I like using the HS introduction 'cause it's an easy way to write an "about me" :P
ah, im casual too. i havent read anything in a while, & im still far behind...i am not sure when i will ever catch up, but i will eventually...i think it would make things a little strange, but i have never had a problem writing "about me" stuff....