vampiretrash on DeviantArt

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vampiretrash's avatar

i am who i am



i dont know, what this is.
but it is just what i am.
i guess.

EDIT: wow, i never though so many poeple would like this silly little thing i wrote. even people want it as a print, so im going to place my watermark on it and put it up for print.lolol.

but as i was saying, wow. never thought people would like this so much. if you do like this please view the other works in my gallery. you might just like them too :)
Image size
2550x2495px 316.24 KB
© 2010 - 2024 vampiretrash
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Neo128's avatar
Looking at this, I am convinced you are in possession of a piece of profound and transcendent knowledge. :nod: