Psylocke Psychic KnifeVampBeauty on DeviantArt

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VampBeauty's avatar

Psylocke Psychic Knife



Psylocke Psychic Knife

This image was based on of course being a loyal obsessed Xmen fan growing up and pretty much wanting to be Psylocke ( If I was a dude it would be Wolverine :D ). I took a stab at it in 2009 and pretty much wanted to redo it since I wanted to pay homage to the artist Jim Lee.

The outfit needed to be made out of something other that spandex since Psylocke's outfit is most def. not a spandex material, unlike my other cosplays. This needed to be something that was skin tight, and also fitting in the right areas which spandex doesn't do majority of the time and is rather cheap in appearance.

I grew out my hair for about 3 years and waited to get it to Psylocke's length, and went through an insane process of coloring it myself, here is the process (link if you'd like to see)
I didn't want to mess up all the work with a the use of a wig, it'll totally lose her hairstyle like in the comics.

The belt was custom made using rubber and several other pieces, as well as the outfit is made out of latex.

if you have a blog and would like to feature my collab with Long Vo on this image of Psylocke I am more than happy to send some images your way ^_^ <3 Thanks for the love and....

Thanks for coming by *^_^* <3

MYX TV did an exclusive personal/private interview with me about my life as an Otaku, its here to check out on youtube below, click on the link <3


Styling, hair color, cut, makeup etc etc: Vampy

Photography: Long Vo

here are my other sites, please come by and say Hullo :D



Image size
546x800px 219.52 KB
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Shutter Speed
1/250 second
Focal Length
48 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 17, 2011, 4:34:13 AM
Sensor Size
© 2011 - 2025 VampBeauty
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pixelated8bits's avatar

how much for a poster of this?