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WAH @__@ this is supposed to be a bit of a gift-art fer the uber cyberpunk artist and this is his character Gospel

it took me ages to think up a neat pose, i even thought of doing something silly/SD ish thing, but after a gazzilion bad sketches i choose this bad sketch and here it is, some elements kinda bother me but i did work pretty hard on it so meh, i even bothered to look up referance pics of and unloaded glock and a mp5 so the guns hopefully look a bit more convincing then usual

also it was kinda an experiment to use as solid a black as i could (theres actually a bunch of detail in the line art you can't really see now, but it looks kinda cool like this maybe) anyways, inked with a point 0.4 finliner and colour in OC 1.01

Gospel is © ~shakken
and the arts is © me i guess

EDIT: using photoshop, i added in some more defineing hilights and additional muzzle flash type effects to make it seem a smidge more realistic maybe, maybe not as slick and simple as the orignial but a bit more finished i thinkz
Image size
650x888px 278.58 KB
© 2006 - 2024 Vamore
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Kapalsky's avatar
The pose is freakin' amazing! Sweet picture!