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Stole Gabe's Ban-Hammer
Years Ago

Comments 714

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To be honest, I think this group needs some new upper-management.
You're talking to a corpse sadly. It is tragic places like these die.

I only dropped by here to clean my group memberships of inactive groups.


I recently joined this group just to show my support for the (hopefully for real) upcoming Half Life 3 coming by drawing The Cremator as to hope that the enemy gets added cause he's just too interesting.

Not a bait or fearmonger.

Hello Half Life people. There was one Deviantart who's name is imPusible87 who posted a misplaced picture of so called, "Alyx from Half Life." His gallery might be misplaced for no reason. When I look over his account, I found out he might be a troll or degenerate or something else. Alyx Vance is a female character from Half Life 2, not a guy from Call of Duty Modern Warfare. I think he might be misleading or don't know why. Here's the picture that I found:…

I tried to comment on his artwork but I decided to cover it or else he will bribe me with his slang. Whatever you do, stay away from Impusible. Don't engage him.
So... this could still be alive if someone was just available to accept deviations?  Last thing was four years ago when the offer was given in a journal entry and it is still up above.  I am only really knowledgeable in the Half Life universe, with smidgens of Left4Dead, Portal and Team Fortress.  I am also versed in HL 1 and 2 mods, although with close to a 1,000 released for both, obviously it would take a life time to play them all.  ^^;