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Click on it for FULL VIEW. So you can read the words. :B

WELL. 100th deviation here. Also it was my birthday and what better day to break my streak of non-posting? :D;;; I've been so busy 6.6 And I just got over food poisoning, because I am a GENIUS. And! There are tornadoes where I live? xD I really am working on the stuff I have due to people, though, so hang in there!

Also: PLEASE no one be offended by this xD;; I mean no offense xD Also, drawing bald people is ROUGH.

Ohh Professor X and that crazy fantasy world in his head. Can you tell I went crazy with the special digital effects? Oh, but they were fun. I lost some of my best color colored pencils, so I did this on the computer. 6.6 Oh, it was a fun practicing experience. And took forever. I was kind of trying to parody the Grinch and the people around the tree, but then it turned into this weird cheesy picture xD

Oh that date in the corner? That is the day I finished the inking on this. xD;; AH.

I don't own X-Men: Evolution!

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1678x1269px 1.49 MB
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