Dragon Tattoo design 1ValliantCreations on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/valliantcreations/art/Dragon-Tattoo-design-1-39091485ValliantCreations

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ValliantCreations's avatar

Dragon Tattoo design 1



This is the original design for the dragon tattoo that I submitted a while back. Here's a link to a picture of the real tattoo on the back of some crazy guy in australia. [link]

Edit: Also, if you come across this design for sale on any other website PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I haven't given anyone permission to resell my artwork, or sell stencils. It makes me sad that someone who contacted me for the hi-res version didn't tell me that they were planning on selling it - because I would have told them that it isn't ok.
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402x432px 67.96 KB
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The-DeathAngel's avatar
.... I hate to tell you this but I have found this image on google before.
I found it again for you and dragged that image into the search bar.... there is 10 pages worth of simular looking dragons but with wider wings :S
Google search: "dragon tattoo black and white" should be in the second row of images. drag image into search bar and yeah.... its on a lot of websites

Anyway I would like to ask you if it's possible to use your stencil as a paint on tattoo?