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Proxal Icon Set v2



Proxal Icon Set 2.0

Miranda IM just hit another milestone with the release of Miranda IM 0.4, and I decided it was time to update the proxal icon set to match the new version. Most of the icons have been changed, or updated. I've also added more icons to cover all the new features to complete the look and once again, make it a complete icon replacement set.

Important! The .zip includes three folders. The first folder is called Miranda IM, and that is a pre-hacked version of Miranda that already has all the files replaced. The version included is (0.4). The second folder is called "icons" and it includes all the icons needed to reshack your files manually. The third file is called "PSD" and it has all the original Photoshop resource files for you to play around with.

This package is open source. Do what you want with it, use it how you want. I don't care if you take the icons and use them on your website, or in another application. The only restriction is you can't sell them, or sell a product that includes them, and blah blah blah. Enough of the legalities.

I'll be updating this package every once and a while, and it will be denoted by the version number in the description, but for now enjoy what you have!

Enjoy! :woot:

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Vision66's avatar
Hey, is it ok if I use some o theise in some website designs?
Very nice