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Valeyard-Vince's avatar

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Hey everyone! Guess who decided to enter Genyun's "Cursed Well" contest? It seemed like fun, made for a cool excuse to try something new writing wise, and I could potentially win a premium membership!

Talk about last minute though, am I right? In my defence I had intended to finish this about a week ago, but pesky real life problems kept rearing their ugly head!

I decided to use this curse for my entry:… Its my first time tackling this fetish (or writing a fetish-y short story), so critique away and enjoy!

UPDATE: It turns out that I came in second place and won some DA points, but only found out about it years later! Whoops!
© 2013 - 2025 Valeyard-Vince
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Jackurai's avatar
Mitosis Lesbos?

I guess I'd have to read up more on Genyun's Cursed Well?