Hell KnightValentrisRRock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/valentrisrrock/art/Hell-Knight-424826215ValentrisRRock

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Hell Knight



Hell Knight redesign, basicly more armored (knightish, yeah) version of DooM3 Hell knight, as attempt to make him to look more like a creature from Hell Dimension, than like a just bulky alienmutant berserker.
Main "design feature" supposed to be roots-alike base of horns, but I'm not sure if it even noticable on the final picture.

Overall, it's maybe appeared to has too generic demon look - while some people said that my Mastermind redesign remind few of the doom-engine games bosses, this one surely has similarities with tons of demons from all the different franchises. 

Mentioned Mastermind redesign:
MASTERMIND by ValentrisRRock
Image size
1754x1240px 964.06 KB
© 2014 - 2025 ValentrisRRock
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Americarules1776's avatar
I hope the new Doom game has an expansion pack that takes place on Earth so we can see a hellish Earth with a Doom 2 redesign.