V E R S U SValentina-Remenar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/valentina-remenar/art/V-E-R-S-U-S-261126847Valentina-Remenar

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Valentina-Remenar's avatar




Another fan art from me... now I drew Noctis Lucis Caelum, from Final Fantasy XIII Versus... I did this drawing already last month, but now I submitted it. I drew him in my style (anime vs realistic) and I guess that this is the most detailed painting I can do. :la:

You can see shattered glass all around him and I drew his swords in motion (at least I saw that in trailer) ;P This drawing I painted black and white...and later I colored it. I had two versions of this painting. One was pretty dark (like all pictures with Noctis on them), but I wanted to make it more colorful, so I decided to edit it and repaint. Hahaha...and I don't speak Japanese. This did translator..:D

This painting is really big, so I submitted smaller painting on dA. Full version was just...big. And here you can details from this drawing. It's a screen shot and I zoomed this painting on 100%, so you can really see how is big.

:bulletorange: Adobe Photoshop CS5
:bulletorange: tablets Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch Special Edititon M and Genius G-pen M609X
:bulletorange: original size is 11229 x 7719 px
:bulletorange: I had 105 layers
:bulletorange: I drew it 24 hours

:bulletorange: Work in progress drawings and screenshots you can see on our website here :D
:bulletorange: I explained how I drew him in my tutorial How to paint digital 2

Other Final Fantasy fan-arts:
NOCTIS + Video by tincek-marincek Noctis Lucis Caelum by tincek-marincekCloud Strife by tincek-marincekL I G H T N I N G by tincek-marincekFFXV - Noctis by tincek-marincekSky of the Night's Light by tincek-marincek
I hope you like it and comments are welcome. :heart:

EDIT: I changed his waist, so he isn't that slim any more. Though he is very slim (at least in this outfit), so I can't change it too much...on the screen shot (which I linked above) you can see how thin he was before. I hope it looks better now. :la:

Drawing by Valentina Remenar | © Copyrighted | Character © by SQUARE ENIX CO. | 2011 | official website valentinaremenar.com
Image size
1500x1006px 1.23 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Valentina-Remenar
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KarasTsukayu's avatar
Omg I just found this Well Done!