The Way I FeelValentina-Remenar on DeviantArt

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Valentina-Remenar's avatar

The Way I Feel



Another painting from me. I wanted to try another style, so it's a little different than my other paintings. Yea, lately I don't draw paintings with emotions, so now I decided to put emotions into this piece and not details, like I would normally do. This drawing I drew in record time...hahaha. I drew it just 6.5 hours. And I used Painter after 2 years I think... it's weird that I still remember to use it... lol. And this drawing I drew with colors (not black and white any more). I just didn't want to look at b&w colors again. :D

Something about him: His name is Seth and like you see he's a little different than others. He have horns, so when he was little, his schoolmates used to laugh at him and make silly songs about him. But he's a nice guy, so that kind of things really hurt him. He lost trust for people and he normally stayed whole day in his home, just because he wanted to avoid people.

Other info: He have long brown hair and on few places he have darker stripes on his hair (around his neck on left and right side). He have horns and big cat ears. He have a tattoo which is on his neck and he likes orange color (traditional sketch of him you can find in this post).

:bulletorange: Adobe Photoshop CS5
:bulletorange: Corel Painter 12
:bulletorange: tablet Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch Special Edititon M
:bulletorange: original size is 6000 x 4052 px
:bulletorange: I had 36 layers
:bulletorange: I drew it 6.5 hours

:bulletorange: This painting you can also find in book collection PRIME by 3dtotal.

+CALENDAR 2013+ by tincek-marincek +CALENDAR 2013+ you can order and see preview in the shop here (you can see previews on the left thumb also). This image you can find inside the calendar.

I hope you like it and comments are welcome :heart:

EDIT: I quickly repainted his eyebrows, so now he looks a little bit more sad. It's not a big change... aaaaaaaaaaand... I posted downloadable PSD file from this drawing on my official site. You can download it here. Enjoy :la:

Drawing by Valentina Remenar | © Copyrighted | 2012 | official website | YouTube | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr
Image size
1024x692px 561.48 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Valentina-Remenar
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LadyGammer9's avatar
I would put some things on his horns just to bother him hehe ~
Love when the artists put emotions on their arts
Well done! :3