
The Aftermath

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

When Cleusonite jumped out of the machine he could feel something new flapping on his back.. and just in front of his eyes.. a beak?? He lifted his tiny arms and saw that they were all grey and covered in fluff. His eyes widened with surprise “The machine, it worked? It wasn’t a joke?” He looked around and saw others who went before him had definitely changed! That one was completely orange and that other one has the coolest hairdo he had ever seen on a Lunatone! And those long, sparkly legs.. the owners must be happy! Cleusonite turned and tried to see how he had changed, but it was really hard as he seemed to be as small and round as before. Though he could feel that there definitely was something new on his back.. it must be wings! “Please let it be wings he whispered…” and stumbled on his feet, that now had webbed flippers on them! A trainer or a bigger pokemon lifted him up “Come here little one, there’s a mirror right here!” they said as they placed Cleusonite in front of the mirror.

And what he saw was absolutely perfect! He definitely had wings! Big, sleek, amazing wings for flying! And he was completely grey! Like steel, or graphite, or ash or dust! All the cool things instead of the age old pink he had always been! And the curl on his head was gone and now there was short fluff all over, but he’d take it, it was very soft and cozy. Cleusonite looked downwards and his feet had indeed turned to webbed flippers… and his new beak made a “clink” sound when they hit something in his chest… Were these icicles? Growing from him? Why didn’t he feel cold at all? “Oh…. I asked to be a COOL pokemon.. I see” and then he laughed and rolled and tried to fly a little bit, but not yet succeeding and making an impressive flaceplant in front of the mirror.

That’s when Cleusonite noticed the commotion around him. It seemed that other pokemon were really unhappy with their cool new looks! He couldn’t understand why, since they all looked so amazing! “All right all right everyone! Let’s calm down! Everyone line up, we can get this sorted out with a new round in the machine!”. Everyone in the room started pushing towards the machine and Cleusonite was swept by the crowd and ended up almost in front of the line. He saw that the couple of first ones had already gone through and had changed completely. He began to cry when it was his turn “I don’t want to change back, I want to stay like this! The machine worked on the first time already!” The lady who owned the machine looked at the little pokemon with huge grin “Oh it did? That’s excellent news! Now if you will, take a second round so we can take new readings and confirm that the trait excavator, kinetic fusioning and morphometry are working correctly even if the subject is already what they want to be…” she trailed off as she pushed Cleusonite to the machine.

The machine beeped and whirred and flashed lights and Cleusonite rolled out… feeling just like he used to! The wings were still there! And even the icicles! He hopped towards the mirror, almost taking flight just to confirm he really got to stay as his coold new self..!

Cleusonite is happy with his new looks, but still ends up as a test subject, oh no! At least first glance from the second round seems to be okay..? (I'll update the ending if his desing doesn't pass to reflect a sudden change in the machine).

Species Confirmed: Cleffa/Wattrel

Type Injection Confirmed: Ice

Mutation Confirmed: Morph

Coloration Edit: Shiny

Since Cleusonite is keeping his traits from the first part, here is a drawn image of the current design:Traits Galore (just the design and nothing else: Link)
Explanation of desing:
Mainly cleffa body: round with stubby hand and feet and round ears.
Wattrel wings, tail, beak and webbed feet. Also wattrel eyes and eye/face marking.
Shiny makes him fully greyscale.
Morph makes him all fluffy
Ice fusion changes the wattrel's chest ruffle with three spikes into icicles, that are clear white in colour.

Event +5
Acceptance +5 (hopefully keeping the week 1 design)
576 words = 5 levels
event 5 + acceptance 5 + words 5 = 15 levels to Cleusonite
© 2023 - 2024 Valekivi
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