Jack Sparrow's Pirate Codevalaryc on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/valaryc/art/Jack-Sparrow-s-Pirate-Code-57173386valaryc

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valaryc's avatar

Jack Sparrow's Pirate Code



UPDATED THOUGHT - With so many favorites/views and positive comments month after month since I created this, why has this piece never been a featured deviation? Is it because fan art does not qualify for submission? I say we change that! Make a vote and make a difference for Ol' Captain Jack!


Well I promised to do something with good ol Jack Sparrow and here is one of the things I was itchin to try.

Using my new found splatter brush techniques I created a really cool parchment effect background and then I decided I was going to make a Jack Sparrow wanted poster.

After messing with a image of the ol captain, it dawned on me that instead of going a cliche route with a wanted poster (which I might do later anyway with another image), I would go in another unique direction and thus the concept of creating The Pirate Code according to Jack was reached.

After heavily tweeking, filtering, blending, and smudging said original pic, I came upon this great almost lineart but not quite grayscale faded look for Jack (charcoal like?) that transformed him from a simple photo into something more illustrated.

You will notice I took the codes mentioned in the POTC movies and added a few I believe Jack would approve of.

I also added details like rusted nails, his infamous (and impossible to find online in a high res) sparrow tattoo and some aged and torn effects to the paper. I even put in some rusty nails and wood!

Hope you like it and if you fav, please leave a comment will ya?

Thank yee kindly mates!

Commodore Digital Quick

Jack Sparrow and Pirates of the Caribbean are copyright and TM the Walt Disney Co.
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500x750px 660.6 KB
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AerrowShapiro's avatar
This one's a keeper.