Henlo all c:! in my community we are doing a Recruitment Give away ^^ and i want to take part in it! I am giving away 5 uncommon MYO kemata slots c: I am mainly looking for those who may be active or slightly active in the game ^^ if you are interested in getting a slot please leave a comment below with a theme idea you have in mind and any help you may need on doing a design or needing a color palette c: You can see more about our game and species over at @Val-Shenn and @KemataDen
I'm having trouble with filling in my brand new Ketama's tracker on her traits.. BUTTT i found her on the val-shenn website with her traits cx.. so copied from there!
that is totally fine! trackers are now optional and no longer required but they do look nice ^^ its easier to keep up with trackers if you only have on kem vs having several heheh ^^!
sorry about that! we have a discord chat and our link for the game val-shenn.net but the website is still in the works so actual game play can't be done on the site just yet :c