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Welcome to my VK Group!
✨ Greetings everyone! I can’t say I’ve been much active online, however, I’m slowly starting to post a little more.
Today I’d like to invite my Russian (and not) followers to my VK coven!
✨ Не так давно мой ВК паблик получил небольшую огласку, где многие мои наблюдатели очень удивились, что я вообще говорю по-русски и моему обитанию в ВК.
🌱 Поэтому бесстыдно и с энтузиазмом стремлюсь пригласить всех желающих познакомиться со мной и моим творчеством внутри русскоязычного паблика!
Меня искренне замотивировали столь лестное внимание и интерес со стороны русскоязычного коммьюнити, мне давно не было так лампово и озорно постить работы.
🥨 Если у вас возникнет нежное желание поделиться этой благой вестью со своими друзьями, детями и котами, я буду чрезвычайно признательна! Очень хочу добраться до 300 подписчиков чтобы затеять небольшую лотерею. Но это секрет и вы услышали об этом первыми..
Большое спасибо
Portraits! Looking for your feedback and advice!
Hello everyone! Today I come to you asking for your opinions regarding my work! Now now, no need to be shy, I’m not gonna bite and neither do I have white knights in my comments section (at least not that I know of?)
Some of you might remember this particular art style I’ve been playing around with ungodly long time ago, the earliest works dating 2018. And I’ve recently seen a repost (with credits provided) of my work to a sizeable vk group, and it’s gotten comparably more attention than most of their other posts.
It’s done three things: firstly it’s really boosted my spirit seeing my work posted and getting so much positive attention, secondly it’s hinted me at the idea that this particular art style has found a good resonance with the public, which I didn’t know was true, and thirdly it’s brought a sweet feeling of nostalgia because it was a style I enjoyed doing.
It wasn’t a particularly easy style for me to practice, since I’m a realism pleb and cartoony doesn’t come easy for
Ho boy here we go again. 25th B-Day
Well, here we are, once again, a year later. The 20th of April, the best day to be born on, as for it is international marijuana day, and Hitler's birthday! (please note that the mention of both of these things has no more than a comedic value)
Let's get a bit dramatic shall we?
Tldr: Taking an audacity to talk about my struggle with motivation and everything else, which explains why a lot of my commissions have been delayed. And that I working my way to finding a therapist. Scroll down for the "thank you" part!
I rarely take the liberty to share about myself on social media, but as I am turning 25 years of age, I would like to allow myself the audacity, mostly because I haven't been able to do so for a while, but also for the belief that it can be helpful for those having a hard time. Personally, I sometimes find comfort in hearing I am not alone in my feelings, and that there is someone who understands what this is like. May my little whimper be of service.
For a while, I've been
Bills Trouble - A Person Seeking Help
Hey everyone, I've recently come across a troubling post that a long time watcher of mine @NorthernMyth has gotten in a finicky bills situation, which are cutting into their funds for basic life needs and most importantly, rent.
They are offering art commissions and characters for sale which you can find more info in the journal below. They are also accepting donations and will be happy to draw for you in return! Every little bit is appreciated!
A lot of people in my close and far surrounding are experiencing tough financial times, and it really breaks my heart to hear about. The bloody covid has made the matters worse for so many people. I hope you guys are doing well, and these turbulent times are not weighing you down too much! Stay safe my dudes!
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