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So I finally made a tutorial! My very first one! Though I have some homework and study to do...:giggle: But the last few days I had been thinking it'd be rather good to help out fellow artists around the globe, and why not doing a small, simple tutorial explaining a little bit, about a process I sometimes use on my photography! When I was only starting I found myself very intrigued over the process of great artists, and also the retro/vintage feeling many used, but I never really found a tutorial explaining it, maybe there must have been one, but I never found that one! So I decided to mess with photoshop...and end up with this, it took time, yes, but it felt very good! So, I wanted to share my small knowledge of photoshop here, in this simple and very basic tutorial! :heart:
I really hope you find it as useful as possible, and if you use this tutorial please do add a small link to this tutorial, so others can use it too...^-^ At least the first time you use it^^
I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0, I'm not really sure if this works with other versions, but I guess it must be similar somehow...:shrug:
Oh oh, and don't be afraid to ask anything you want to know, I'm always willing to try and give you a hand^^ Just post here any questions you have^^
EDIT: Ah! It's been so long since I did this tutorial --well, for me, =P-- I know it was kind of hard to read because of the color, so I'm hoping now there will not be so many problems :aww: But of course, remember to FULL-VIEW!! Good luck!

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© 2007 - 2024 vachi-bumbernickle
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NanaZMEY's avatar
Thank you - your tutorial helped me here…