V1su4lB4s1c on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/v1su4lb4s1c/art/Flying-saucers-876072585V1su4lB4s1c

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V1su4lB4s1c's avatar

Flying saucers


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----------- EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM --------------

This is a national emergency, important instructions will follow.

The following message is transmitted at request of the United States Government.

This is not a test.

The National Aeronautic and Space Administration, as well as other space agencies around the world, have detected the entry of several  F l y i n g   S a u c e r s  into the Earth's atmosphere.

The National Readiness Level has been raised to DEFCON 3.

The US Air Force have mobilised aircraft to monitor and apprehend these objects.

Martial law is now in effect, as well as curfew from sunset to sunrise.

Citizens are advised to do the following:

shelter in-place immediatly, turn off all lights, lock all windows and doors, head to an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building.

Do not exit outside until the all clear is given.

Gather provisions for at least 14 days, as well as battery powered radio.

Tune to a station that is serving your area for more information.

The President will be speaking on all stations shortly, standby for this message.

Do not use the telephone, the telephone lines should be kept open for emergency use.

The Emergency Alert System has been activated.

As appropriate audio track for this picture, i suggest:

Zane Alexander - Healthbar (feat. Electronic Visions)

If you like my work, please help me to spread the word, and share it on your favourite social media... thanks!!!
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Justjohn43's avatar

This might seem unrelated but do you watch impractical jokers? Reminds me of one of their funniest presentations