We were not meant to flyuzlolzu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/uzlolzu/art/We-were-not-meant-to-fly-137774392uzlolzu

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uzlolzu's avatar

We were not meant to fly

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I think that if you want a person to fly with bird wings, those wings has got to be pretty big, bigger than this. Angels are fascinating, sure, and pretty, but it can't be easy to be one. Imagine putting a shirt on - and walking! Walking hunched?

I don't think there are any good ways to fold wings on a human back and make it comfortable and natural as well as practical and pretty... At least not in real life. *duhrrrr*

I still like drawing wings. Matt has pretty wings. Flamingos are funny. Silly of me to say "Atavian". But wth...

And since everyone ask me, all the time: No, I have not read Maximum ride.
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800x719px 372.27 KB
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Xenomorph566's avatar

What if, and hear me out, human with wings are bigger or their wings can shrink down when not being used

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