Thoughts on Wingsuzlolzu on DeviantArt

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October 31, 2010
Thoughts on Wings by *AuroraCarina-chan is almost an anatomy class about fantastic winged creatures. Every detail is very well explained and put in a way that is easy to understand.
Featured by shelldevil
Suggested by Raulzito2112
uzlolzu's avatar

Thoughts on Wings

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So, I did a little wing thing (Or, I did this a long time ago but never bothered to upload it). I'm no wing-major, but I thought it was funny to do and that perhaps someone would appreciate it considering how effing difficult it is to draw wings...

So, here's to all of you who care! : D

Mattias, the main model of this little tutorial-thing, is mine. His wings aren't that rainbow-ish (They look like the orange-brownish plumage one of the miniature wingpairs). It's for the sake of clarity!

Enjoy! Or something.

Edit: D....DD? ;___; *tears of Joy* Thank yoooou!

And since everyone ask me, all the time: No, I have not read Maximum ride.
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Wolfw1ng's avatar

thank you so much! Drawing wings that aren't super cartoonish is really difficult, and this helped a ton!😀