uykithemcflurry on DeviantArt

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uykithemcflurry's avatar

~(OPEN) Adoptables - X / Auction~



pink heart {big} Auction ends 48 hours after the last bid pink heart {big}
Please read all of the rules before offering to adopt: 
Adoptable Rules
[V2] Bullet Point 35 To Adopt [V1] Bullet Point 35  
1. Comment that you'd like the character!
2. When I respond/acknowledge your comment, they're all yours. You do not own the character until I acknowledge it
3. Please reply saying you've sent the points to me
4. PAYPAL WILL BE FAVOURED OVER Blush Points. EX. sb$ > sbBlush Points

Tini Pill Bottle Information On Currents Tini Pill Bottle 
X1: (OPEN)
SB: 300 Blush Points  / $3
MI: 100Blush Points  / $1
AB: 2000Blush Points  / $20 (Autobuy includes an extra fullbody of the character) 
Arrow Right Pink Owner - 

SB: 700 Blush Points  / $7
MI: 100Blush Points  / $1
AB: 2000Blush Points  / $20 (Autobuy includes an extra fullbody of the character)
Arrow Right Pink Owner - PastelPinkArts 

SB: 700 Blush Points  / $7
MI: 100Blush Points  / $1
AB: 2000Blush Points  / $20 (Autobuy includes an extra fullbody of the character) 
Arrow Right Pink Owner - kiyotakaz -> final bid of $10

pink heart {big} Thank You pink heart {big}
Image size
3700x3000px 1.72 MB
© 2021 - 2024 uykithemcflurry
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